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Time is Money

When someone decides upon a modular building solution, we can be sure that time is of essence. If, along with that, the building is required as a short time - temporary solution - then we can be absolutely certain that the time factor is of the highest priority.

Nothing unusual. Modular transportable buildings are designed to meet all required needs immediately.
Today, with the technology that is available to us, it's expected that the service would be efficient and that the building would be delivered and installed on-site within a short time - couple of days…

But isn't reality a little different?

  • Initial contact with client
  • conceptual drawings and budget price
  • alteration and additions to plans
  • redesigning
  • as-sold package and contract
  • production drawings and documentation
  • manufacturing process
  • installation…

Are we talking about weeks or even months? Are Modular Transportable Buildings still the best solution?



We here at DeBoz believe that they are indeed the best solution, and that is why we are offering the "DeBoz's MTB (Modular Transportable Building) solution". We offer a system that, after the initial contact with the client, allows you to organise everything necessary for production, delivery and installation within a few days.


Even now your client will still have the opportunity to express their needs, change plans and conceptualise the final building - all in an advanced 3D environment. Sounds impossible? It's not hard to see the potential.

Just look at the example library layout that we have developed using this approach on the next page, and then contact us to find out what we can offer you.

Modular Transportable Site Office (9.6m x 3m)


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