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Here is how DeBoz can make YOUR job easier:

Are you in Sales?

Using a laptop computer and a standard building library, it is now very easy to deliver a professional presentation about the current project, using 2D & 3D drawing as well as animations. On client's request, you are now able to provide animations that can be used by the client to provide an in-house presentation of his/her own. This, very often, can be the turning point that determines the sale's success or failure.

At this point the client is able to clearly visualise the project at hand even before the contract is signed. The client will now feel that he/she has in some way contributed to the design of the project. This is a big step in building a strong, ongoing relationship between the client and the salesperson.




Part of the D&E Team?

Providing the full support to the sales department, the D&E will have a much simpler and easier process from the conception to the production drawings and documentation.

Part of Manufacturing?

With CAD/CAM technology possibility, imagine now the production lead-time required. We aren't talking about a weeks or months, we are talking about a matter of days.


see how it all ties in with Chief Architect®

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